A proud Mum and a happy Son..

As you can see my son passed his theory driving test, his first attempt at it too.
I was so nervous for him.
As he has matured he has become more confident and I am sure he will do well at what ever he decides to do with his life.
For now he is very happy working in the kitchen of a fish and chip restaurant in Swaffham. Hes worked there since he was 16 and must love it as it takes 2 bus journeys to get there.
Being able to drive will open up a whole new world for him.

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7 thoughts on “A proud Mum and a happy Son..

  1. Pingback: Sally in Norfolk » Finally….

  2. Pingback: Sally in Norfolk » Third Time Lucky.

  3. Ellee

    Yes, very well done Andrew, I’m sure this will inspire you to pass your test now and get behind the wheel for real instead of taking two bus trips to work.

  4. Geoff

    Give him my congratulations 🙂 I’m sure he will do well, lets face it my Stephen didn’t get out of PizzaExpress until he was 30! He started at 16 too…..

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