Update on Radio Norfolk

After spending all morning wondering if I should return the call I had received from Radio Norfolk, I finally facerh_nav170_norfolkd my fears and returned their call.

Phil was out the office so I spoke to Nicky, much to my amazement as soon as I gave her my name she knew who I was straight away.

She was delighted that I had returned their call.

They do a slot on their radio show that’s about local women with interesting stories and they think I have a very interesting story to tell.

So I have a date for Wednesday 12th December at 12pm…. I just hope I don’t go making a fool of myself

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4 thoughts on “Update on Radio Norfolk

  1. Elaine

    I was going to ask a similar question to Philip…..will there be somewhere on the website that we can listen to it later because I’m not going to be anywhere near either a radio or a computer next Wednesday lunchtime.

  2. Anne

    Amazing Sally, sure you will be fine. Just think how far you have come since leaving RAF St Athan..or Marham. Surprising how over coming doubt/fear changes ones life…I am still stuck ..I need to feel the fear and do it….sorry not brave enough x x

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