A Lucky Escape

Just when you think all is going well and your so organized, something happens to make you realize your never far from trouble…

Today while driving home from work, my car bonnet blew up and smashed the windscreen of my car.

It gave me such a shock, in fact I think I am only just beginning to realize just how lucky I was.

My car insurance people were very helpful and had a recovery wagon out to me with in an hour.

While waiting for this recovery wagon what amazed me most was the total un patience of other drivers.They speeded past flashing their lights and sounding there horns which just made my situation even worse.

Even more amazing was that a police car even went passed and made no attempt to stop and see if I was ok….. says a lot about our police force today !!

The driver of the recovery wagon , which came from Tears Recovery in Sutton Bridge,was fantastic and went out of his way to drop me at home, which was much appreciated as how I would have got home I don’t know.

After spending over an hour trying to sort out the insurance procedure and how I got my courtesy car, which I desperately need living where I live.

This article was bought to my attention.

The situation then changed and I got very angry thinking that Renault knew about this fault and I had never been informed.

Needless to say Renault now want my car so they can asses the situation, I only agreed to let them have it when they said they would pay for me to have a hire car

They will have to act fast though if they want it, as the holding garage is due to take my car to the repair garage first thing in the morning.Which they have to do before they will let me have a courtesy car.

I will not be able to relax now till I have some car keys in my hand.

Having no car all ready means….

I was unable to collect my son from his friends house, luckily they understood and are keeping him for another night and will then return him home.

I was also unable to collect my other son from work, so he had too beg for a lift home.

I have also had to book a taxi to get me to work tomorrow at a cost of ƂĀ£20, how I will get home I am not quite sure.

In the new year I am going to change my car and I was really thinking about having another Renault Clio  but this incident could change my mind.

Please keep fingers and toes crossed that a miracle happens tomorrow and I end up with a car… any car will do.

If I don’t it could well ruin my  Christmas. šŸ™

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12 thoughts on “A Lucky Escape

  1. Pingback: Sally in Norfolk » Almost A Year Too Late….

  2. Michelle

    Hi Sally

    This happened to me and about 2000 others have you complained to VOSA. I know they will do nothing but the more people that annoy them the better. Watchdog are looking into VOSA and their inactivity at the moment so if you contact VOSA and nothing happens please let Watchdog know. If you did not get a letter from Renault warning you of this please let VOSA know. If you have home insurance that give you legal cover consider taking legal action under sale of goods from who you bought this car from.

    Good Luck

  3. Pingback: Sally in Norfolk » New Year... New Car...

  4. Pete Coombes

    Philip, just to let you know it is both the bonnet catch and the safety clip that is at fault on the Mk 2 Clio

  5. Pingback: Sally in Norfolk » Gold Star

  6. Philip

    The great escape – other people have had terrible accidents as you can find out on the Internet.
    Mercedes are very reliable but running costs are higher. I have checked that my mercedes has a safety clip for the bonnet. I would hate to think what would happen if that big sheet of metal went flying.
    I also asked my daughter to check her Clio. She said that her car had just been serviced and the bonnet catch was checked and possibly replaced.
    I thought that all cars had the safety catch.
    You might even be able to get some well deserved cash from Renault. I cannot believe that they can let that model Clio be on the roads without adding a catch.

  7. Ellee

    Sally, delighted to read on twitter that your replacement car was delivered to work. The most important thing is that you are safe and well.
    I would recommend buying a Honda, btw, I don’t think Renault deserve your loyalty. Or maybe a Peugeot 206.

    Have a wonderful – and safe – Christmas.

  8. Anne

    Sally you are lucky..very very lucky…ƂĀ£20 is nothing compared to what could of happened. I’m sure everything will be fine. x

  9. Welshcake Limoncello

    So sorry this has happened to you, Sally and the impatience and lack of consideration of the other drivers is unbelieveable. Main thing is, are you all right physically? It must have given you a nasty jolt. Hope it works out for you tomorrow. Auguri from Sicily.

  10. Pete Coombes

    Hi Sally, glad to see you are alright thats the main thing. I remember seeing the BBC program about the bonnet catch problem, if you put “clio bonnet problems” into Google you will see lots of info about this issue, heres a link to one of them – http://www.channel4.com/4car/news/news-story.jsp?news_id=15915

    I know people who swear by Renault but of the three I have owned I had gearbox problems with two of them (twice on one car within a year) I would not have another one. A friend of mine had gearbox problems twice on his car within 18 months and he said it was more than enough for him.

    Hope you get things sorted ok.

  11. Geoff

    The miracle is that you are OK and that it didn’t lead to a more serious accident. I’m sure Renault will get you sorted out with a hire car tomorrow. Don’t worry Christmas will be fine šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

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