A huge mistake….

At times I can be very indecisive and there has been times when I have lived to regret the choices I have made.

At the moment I am thinking I have just made the biggest mistake of my life

As most of you know I long to live in Downham Market, how I ended up here is another story.

A friend of mine has recently bought a house with her partner after living in a housing Association house in Downham market for many years.

Before they informed the council that they would be moving out they offered to do an exchange with me to get me into Downham and into a nice house.

This was about 4 months ago, Andrew was still working then and would have had no way of getting to work and Matthew didn’t like the idea of yet more change and he takes his GCSE’s this year.

The timing was just wrong.

Part of me just wanted to go ahead and do it but part of me thought how can I upset my boys  again after all they have had to deal with over the last few years.

So I reluctantly turned the offer down, everyone at work thought I was mad and I think I maybe was !!

My friends have handed their house over to the council now and I cannot help thinking that I made a huge mistake.

Andrew has now lost his job, so getting to work would have been no problem for him and maybe I could have dealt with Matthew.

Basically I think I have just lost my  best chance of ever getting into Downham Market

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5 thoughts on “A huge mistake….

  1. Welshcakes Limoncello

    Oh, Sally, it’s easy to be wise in retrospect. You did what you thought was right in the light of the knowledge you had at the time. That’s all any of us can do. You cannot know how it would have turned out but I am sure you will get another chance. Hang on in there!

  2. elaine williams

    don’t worry sally, there is always a reason why things happen as they do, in a few months time you’ll look back on this and realise it was for the best. things have a way of working themselves out, you just don’t know it at the time x.x.x.

  3. Geoff

    Always other chances, don’t fret, keep your ear to the ground. Make sure EVERYONE and there Aunt know you want to move and you will – thats 100% sure

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