Next best thing….

Well after much research I have come to the conclusion that I will never be able to move house to Downham Market.

No one is interested in my house on the exchange forum…  not one single sniff of interest was shown 🙁

I Have looked into the shared ownership of new houses and even the ones I may have been able to afford were let down by the tiny third bedroom.

Hardily big enough for a cot let alone a teenage boy.

Such a shame these Bryant houses include an En Suite bathroom, personally I think a bigger third bedroom would have been a better way to use the space.

Even bigger shame is that Bryant Homes are about to start building houses in Downham soon.

If I cannot move the next best and important thing is my car.

So today after months of looking and soul searching I finally ordered my new car.

I got the best deal I was going to get from Neil at the Renault Garage in Kings Lyvnmcfg1CL31TERNAnn, and one I was happy with too.

So soon I will have a Nice Renault Extreme 1.5 DCI, in Extreme Blue.

A few people think I was mad to have a new car but these people will not understand for one second how important my car is… with out it I would have no life.

Trouble is I let what these people say bother me and today I got no pleasure from ordering my car.

BUT I believe 100% that I have done the right thing and know the pleasure will come later 🙂

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7 thoughts on “Next best thing….

  1. Pingback: Sally in Norfolk » Two weeks early…

  2. sally

    Thank you all so much…. you all confirmed just what i think 🙂 another reason for my new car is to give my son my old one a helping hand towards a job for him I hope.

  3. Leslie

    Oh gee Sally! I am SO jealous of your getting a new car! Who cares what anyone else thinks and I’m in complete agreement with Anne, Caroline, and CherryPie. I do love my car but it seems that every year for the past 2 years or so I’ve had to put in about $2,000 to maintain it. But, I guess it’s still cheaper than buying a new one. And it’s SO comfortable, something I need with my bad back. At least I can get around in it and do all I need to do and get to where I need to get. Look forward to getting your new car and take your friends out for a drive once it arrives – CELEBRATE!!!

  4. CherryPie

    Sally take no notice of them you will have fun with your new car. A lady traveling on her own and having to get places needs a reliable car. That is why I buy new. Then I know it is in perfect working order with all the guarantees.

    Get excited and impatient waiting for it 🙂 I am sure you are going to enjoy it as much as I am enjoying mine, now it has finally arrived 😉

  5. Caroline

    Sally you need a car. You don’t live in Downham Market where you work. Your boys need transporting and public transport can be patchy to say the least. You also need to get to Cambridge – with cakes etc. You need to get to King’s Lynn for the gym and household stuff. And you need to live your life.
    Go for girl.

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