Daily Archives: June 23, 2008

Sally Twitter’s for 2008-06-23

  • @GeoffJones Fab morning here too have a great day… Woburn looks great 🙂 #
  • Anne about to have her massage 🙂 #
  • Coffee in SAVINO’S before anne goes home to oxford #
  • Home sitting in the sun and reading my book for a while before i catch up with all my blogging 🙂 #
  • saving petrol no gym tonight so going for walk… unlike Geoff i hate walking on my own. #
  • Out and about in Gayton – photo at http://twitxr.com/sally/updates/66258 #
  • Sun set over the village – photo at http://twitxr.com/sally/updates/66266 #
  • great mobile reception till the moment i walk into house then nothing 🙁 radio reception bad too norfolk is so backwards 🙁 #
  • @annie2000 nice to be able to treat you to a massage 🙂 #
  • @annie2000 maybe you should do the course then i could get a massage too instead of doing them for other people all the time. #

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Like a good girlfriend, I was up at 5am to make Geoff coffee and see him off on his 80 mile COW (Cambridge to Oxford ) Walk.image

He left at 6am in the rain and the first day proved to be a challenge, not only did it rain but it poured making for very wet walking conditions.

This resulted in a drive out to Wimpole hall for me, to deliver a few extra pairs of clean dry socks 🙂

Geoff then spent the first night, after walking 31 miles,in his tent which thankfully survived the storms and rain. 

He is now more than haimagelf way and I am glad to report that he’s been having great weather.

So far TheCow has taken him through Biggleswade, The Flit Valley, Clopton, Flitwick , Woburn and Great Brickhill.

To his delight it included the whole of Flitwick Moor too.

So its proving to be a very scenic walk and one he  is hoping many people will want to do.image

As he plans to do a guide book for this walk.

Which is great news for me, as he will have to walk it a few more times, so I may just get a chance to go with him next time 🙂

After looking at these photos who would not want to do it ???

More photos can be seen here.

Watch this space for more details .