Like a good girlfriend, I was up at 5am to make Geoff coffee and see him off on his 80 mile COW (Cambridge to Oxford ) Walk.image

He left at 6am in the rain and the first day proved to be a challenge, not only did it rain but it poured making for very wet walking conditions.

This resulted in a drive out to Wimpole hall for me, to deliver a few extra pairs of clean dry socks šŸ™‚

Geoff then spent the first night, after walking 31 miles,in his tent which thankfully survived the storms and rain. 

He is now more than haimagelf way and I am glad to report that he’s been having great weather.

So far TheCow has taken him through Biggleswade, The Flit Valley, Clopton, Flitwick , Woburn and Great Brickhill.

To his delight it included the whole of Flitwick Moor too.

So its proving to be a very scenic walk and one he  is hoping many people will want to do.image

As he plans to do a guide book for this walk.

Which is great news for me, as he will have to walk it a few more times, so I may just get a chance to go with him next time šŸ™‚

After looking at these photos who would not want to do it ???

More photos can be seen here.

Watch this space for more details .

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8 thoughts on “TheCOW.

  1. Pingback: Geoff Jones » Quintessential England on The Scholars’ Way

  2. anne

    Loved the mad dash to Wimpole :-)…well done Geoff for the COW walk…glad I took the four wheeled route šŸ™‚

  3. Pingback: Sally in Norfolk » While Geoff’s away the girlies play….

  4. Ellee

    Congratulations Geoff, what a great accomplishment. I would like to stretch this walk to a week to fully appreciate the countryside. And I think it is a great idea for you to publish the walk. I know there is a programme on Radio 4 that follows people on their walks, maybe we should contact them.

  5. sally

    Cherrypie ….yes it looks and sounds fab sorry not to be walking it with Geoff but someone has to work šŸ™‚

    Geoff …. you always have my support in all you do šŸ™‚

  6. geoff

    good write up and thanks for all your support šŸ™‚
    should make it to Oxford tomorrow, looking forward to walking through Brill . It will be difficult as I’m now off my planned route so no GPS trail to follow šŸ™

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