The Sheep’s Head Way or Bog hopping in Ireland

Just returned from a nice few days In Bantry West Cork.

We went to walk The Sheep’s Head Way, which is a 55 mile circular walk from Bantry.

A peaceful,unspoilt peninsula which has some of Ireland’s most beautiful scenery.

Day One… Bantry to Kilcrohane

We set out along the north side of the peninsular, in drizzly rain not quite sure knowing what to expect.

Our first impression was that not many people do this walk as the path was over grown and the ground very boggy.

Half way through our first day weshep heads way 020 had to stop and change our socks, as feet and boots were soaking wet from all the bog hopping.

Thankfully the rain had stopped by now but at that moment in time I really thought we would be turning back at the end of the day.

Its well way marked although some of the posts can be hard to find.

At 18.30 we saw ourselves walking across the peninsular to Kilcrohane Village after a very boggy 20 miles.

We stayed at the Bridgeview House and sampled the beer and Irish singing in the local pub.

Day Two Kilcrohane to Kilcrohane via Ahakiska.

After a good nights sleep we woke to a nice sunny day.

The owner of Bridgeview house drove us back over to the north side of the peninsular so we could carry on from where we left off.

A lift much appreciated as it would have been a long uphill start to the day.

I was looking forward to this days walking as this was meant to be the best part of the walk with splendid views all round.

I was not disappointed the views were fantastic and the walking route was good  still boggy in places but nothing compared to day one.shep heads way 077

Right at the end of the peninsular is a small lighthouse then 2km back into the walk along the south side is a most welcome cafe selling teas/coffee/soup/sandwiches and homemade cakes.

We arrived back in Kilcrohane at 17.00 and as it was such a nice sunny evening Geoff suggested we carry on to the next village  Ahakiska, which was 4 miles away.

We arrived at 18.30 only to find no rooms available so we headed to the pub for a drink and to see if they could give us any information on accommodation.

By this time and after 22 miles I was feeling slightly tired,and I must have looked it too as the only other couple in the pub decided we must be mad.

They had a good joke with us about our predicament  and once they realised we were going to have to walk back to Kilcrohane they did not hesitate to offer us a lift.

So back we went to Kilcrohane and stayed at the Bayview Inn where we had the honeymoon room and some fabulous food.

Day Three … Kilcrohane to Bantry

After another good nights sleep we set off from Kilcrohane once again and in lovely sunshine too.

My aching legs soon loosened up which pleased me as I knew this was another long day with a lot of road walking too.

This time when we reached Ahakiska we did a slight detour to go and visit the Air India Memorial.shep heads way 096

We arrived in Durrus after getting very frustrated at not being able to find the way markers through some fields.

We had lunch in Durrus before returning to Bantry through fields and along roads, some of these roads felt never ending and my feet began to ache from the road walking.

At about 18.30 just as we were walking into Bantry , who should we bump into but the lady from the pub at Ahakiska.

She stopped to talk to us and once again told us we must be mad  and at that moment I thought I must be too as my legs and feet had never ached so much.

Total of 64 miles walked in 3 days.

Photos can be seen here and here

Sheeps Head Trail – Widget powered by EveryTrail: GPS Geotagging

I would love to know if anyone else has ever walked the whole of this walk and not just the tip of the peninsular.

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14 thoughts on “The Sheep’s Head Way or Bog hopping in Ireland

  1. Shane Spillane

    Guys, had an amazing trip to the Sheep’s Head in July last year. Everything about the walking was great; the terrain, scenery, random encounters with locals……and also the post walking beverages in Ahakista proved to be a real treat. We stayed in a nice little holiday home ( which offered discounts for walkers and was right next to the route!

  2. Pingback: Top Five Scenic Drives in Ireland - Discover Ireland Blog - Ireland Visitors Guide

  3. Pingback: Top Five Scenic Drives in Ireland « Ireland

  4. Jeff Thomson

    Hi Sally, amazing – yes I walked the Sheep’s Head Way in 2000. I remember it being very difficult to follow at times and felt that there were very few people who made the effort. Anyway, I do have good memories of it. I loved your GR20 pictures by the way – a long held dream of mine to complete it one day.

  5. Pingback: Geoff Jones » Walking Out Bantry Way

  6. David

    Hi sally.
    Sandra and I just read your report on Ireland, and we fall in with the people at the pub, we think your mad as well, only joking we love walking but that sounds like hard going.
    Love the photo’s, it reminds us of when we were there.

  7. alan.sloman

    Nice report Sally.
    When I clicked on the route though, I got a nice walk around the canals in Amsterdam?

    By the way, as you were asking, my Nokia E90 Communicator is fantastic! Excellent keyboard and it does everything.


  8. Ellee

    I don’t know where you get all your energy from either. And Geoff is no spring chicken jmb, though he moves like one.

  9. Leslie

    My gosh, Sally! That’s a long way to walk in three days! I looked at your photos and they are stunning – well, the views are! lol I sure wish I could do all that hiking! Maybe some day, once I get my back all fixed up.

  10. anne

    Great photos Sally….Pleased you had a good time, still think your mad though!!! 🙂 🙂

    Arni has come up with a corker!!!!! He wants us (me and him) to go walking in WALES!!!!!!! And Camping I think….no way…can imagine it, if it was wet and stuck in a tent !!! and in Wales…nothing against the Welsh though, just would prefer to go to Italy..

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