
Thanks to Geoff , who not only got Andrew a job  interview but came over from Cambridge this morning to take him to the interview.

Andrew now has a job at the National Construction College in Bircham Newtocollegen.

Its a residential college and Andrew is going to work in the catering department which is run by Sodexo 

Its 12 miles from my house to the college and to begin with he will bike to and from work, hopefully we shall sort something more suitable out before the cold dark winter months come.

The other unbelievable thing is he also has an interview at Morrisons tomorrow for a full time job.bricks

Matthew was also offered a job today at Morrisons , 14 hours a week working on the grocery department. He was delighted and it will fit in well around college when he starts his brick laying course.

All that has to fall into place now is Andrews fitness instructors course…



I have been waiting for this day for many many months and I can tell you days like today are priceless…   JUST LIKE GEOFF  🙂

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16 thoughts on “Priceless…

  1. Pingback: Sally in Norfolk » 2000 miles…

  2. Pingback: morrisons

  3. sally

    Thanks for all your kind words… andrews interview at morrisons went well hes just waiting to hear what they have to offer now… in the mean time he starts the other job on tuesaday I must say I am abit concerned about him having to bike 12 miles and then return in the dark too 🙁

  4. Gallimaufry

    Congratulations to your sons for getting jobs, hat tip to Geoff who’s a brick and a half and congratulations to you for bringing up two hard-working ambitious lads. And it was sunny nearly all day here! 🙂

  5. sally

    Hi Helen… yes i mean bircham newton .. think his shifts are 2.30 till 8pm and hopefully he may get a lift from someone. trying to talk him into a moped till he re-takes driving test but its hard going as hes scared cus of what happened to thier dad 🙁

    Hi Duncan, we all want our kids to do well and that means working, not good for a 20 year old to be out of work they get into bad habbits like sleeping all day and awake all night

  6. onethoughtfulwoman

    I drive past there every day to work, its a nice place to be ,it looks anyway.
    If he can get to me I will drive him in, (if the weather is bad), it just all depends on the time he has to start and finish but it is possibly possible if it means he can stay there, even for a while.

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