With Great Sadness

I had some news today that has made me very very sad 🙁

News that I must share with the blogging world.

On 20th July after a short and Unexpected illness our great blogging / Twitter friend

Devonshire Dumpling of “No Clue” passed away.

Her best friend of 20 years was with her at the end and she did not suffer.

Von’s funeral was held on 8th August at a woodland burial site near to Exeter.

Although I have never met Von personally we had a great friendship, I loved her humour and we shared a private joke…I was sending her postcards from all my travels, so she could “wall paper her mud hut”

I am so grateful to her Best friend,Sue, for going to all the trouble of tracking me down and feel devastated that I will never get to meet “Von”  🙁

Yvonne-Hadley-Jones will be dearly missed by many  x x

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11 thoughts on “With Great Sadness

  1. Laurie

    I have been trying to contact Von for quite sometime and like many of you she had refused to reply to my messages and unfriended me from her blog. She and I had known each other for over 12 years and spent countless hours online Skyping and instant messaging…..If someone could please put me in touch with Sue I would appreciate it. I’ve been texting and e-mailing Von since Christmas 2011….fully expecting to recieve my usual “Sod off Slag Heap” to alert me that we were still friends and to share a good laugh again….I’m broken hearted to know I will never read/hear those sweet “Vonnie” words again…My e-mail is Kodachrome1966@gmail.com

    Thank you,
    Laurie Effinger

  2. Posh Totty

    Oh my word, I am shocked, I am so so sorry to hear such sad news, Ms Dumpling was one of the kindest sweetest people I had the pleasure of blogging with and despite never meeting up in person she very thoughtfully sent Christmas gifts for myself and my little man over the past few years, for that I am eternally grateful, such a kind thing to do.

    I will miss you Ms Dumpling
    Rest in peace Xxx

  3. Bernard

    A great character, and a kind friend – both from blogging and emailing;
    This news has left me very sad indeed.
    She shared her troubles with us – may she now rest in peace.

  4. CherryPie

    Oh gosh, I had missed her blogging and thought she was just busy with the problems of life. This news upsets me greatly.

    Thank you for sharing the news with us.

  5. anne

    Hi Sally , oh that is very sad news .. sorry to read this. I used to go over to her blog now and again. hug for you . xx

  6. Lady Banana

    So sorry to hear this, DD and I had some good chat’s some time back until she, for some reason unknown to me, decided not to be my friend anymore..

    Sad news 🙁

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