The start

Geoff & Sally start of Lycian WayToday we walked the first day of the Lycian Way from Ovacik to Faralya the book said 7 hours , we did it in under 5.

It was a great walk brilliant scenery with sea and mountains always in sight.

As always I feel like I have lost a stone in sweat but it’s a wonderful feeling.

We are staying at the George House pension which is a little piece of paradise with the most fantastic vegetarian food.

From the George House you can climb down to the Butterfly Valley and the beach it’s a dangerous walk / climb down and many ropes are needed to assist you.Sally going down to Butterfly Valley

It was very scary and many times we thought about turning back but we so wanted that swim in the sea !

The swim was beautiful but we were concerned about our climb back up to the George House.

We almost took a boat trip to the next village but decided going up was usually easier and quicker than going down so off we went 🙂

Lucky for us it was easier and quicker so we just made it back as the sky’s opened to a magnificent thunder storm.

A fantastic first day and we are looking forward to the next 24 days of walking the Lycian Way 🙂

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One thought on “The start

  1. Leslie

    Hi Sally! It’s been a while since I’ve commented on your site. I noticed Anne’s blog mentioned you are in Turkey – Wow! how great is that! You must be SO fit as compared to me. Hope your walking trip continues to be a great one. I am coming over to England and Wales next summer (probably August-ish) and hope to meet up for a meal or tea or whatever. By the time I get to your area, I also might be in need of a massage! 😀 After Xmas, my friend Cathy and I are going to sit down and work out our plans for the trip, hopefully to meet up with all you wonderful ladies I’ve met blogging. Also, we both have other friends in Andover, Newport, and Swansea that we’ll be visiting. I’m going up to meet Denise in Yorkshire and to meet Anne in Oxford, too, if she’s around. As well, we’ve been invited over to the Isle of Man to meet up with Carol and her family. So keep it in mind, but if you’re not around then, no worries – another time. Carry on walkin’….Hugs!


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