Don’t be shy, Make me Happy…

I know plenty of you are reading my blog , so why are you all too shy to leave your comments.

It’s so easy to do, so don’t be afraid.

Just click on comment,under the article you wish to comment on, then fill in  your name and E-mail address, leave your comment in the box provided, and click submit.

When you have done it once I’m sure you will be back again and again.

Don’t think you have nothing interesting to say…..every comment is interesting to ME.

Hope to be hearing from you soon


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2 thoughts on “Don’t be shy, Make me Happy…

  1. Ellee

    I think Geoff told me that about 1 in 10 readers leave a comment, does that match your stats? The fact is, people are still enjoying it if they don’t comment. They’ll get round to it. I always appreciate your comments too.

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