A Rare occurrence

My boys are out for the day, Geoff is sunning himself in Dubai, so I find myself at home enjoying the peace.

No fighting over the PC so I can read my ever growing list of blogs, the latest addition being The ThunderDragon. I liked his post  Mythological Comparisons , I did the Quiz and wonder if that’s how my friends see me ???

You Are a Mermaid

“You are a total daydreamer, and people tend to think you’re flakier than you actually are.
While your head is often in the clouds, you’ll always come back to earth to help someone in need.
Beyond being a caring person, you are also very intelligent and rational.
You understand the connections of the universe better than almost anyone else.”

I can also play my own music,Norah Jones is a Favorite at the moment and she has a new Album out too which I must get sometime.

I did some exercise too, I gave in to my desire to go for a Jog I try not to go very often because I don’t think its good for my knees. But I find jogging so relaxing and love to go off on my own. Did just over 2 mile today.

Now I am going to bake some Muffins, and read some more of the blogs I like, here are a few on my list


Everyday Goddess

Sicily Scene

Cupcake bakeshop

Wife In the North

Not forgetting the ones on my Blog roll either.

Tomorrow I have my Girlie walk to look forward too.

Update….just found another great blog…Yarn-a-go-go  it has a great post about Muffins too.

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One thought on “A Rare occurrence

  1. Ellee

    It sound slike you are having a lovely weekend, your blogroll is getting bigger too. I wish I had joined you now, the weather is perfect for it.

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