New Readers

A Thank you must go to Aktoman for adding me to his blogroll.

Also to walk about in the uk for the mention on his blog.

Then today I also got a mention on outdoorsrmagic. A week In blogs .

Shame I could not make it to the outdoors show today where the UK Outdoors Blogger Convention 2007 ® Roadshow was meeting.

A big hello to any new readers that have come across from these blogs and have already left some comments.

I hope you will visit often.

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2 thoughts on “New Readers

  1. Weird Darren

    You missed a good time yesterday at the first ever UK Outdoors Blogger Con.
    The are various pictures up on the blogs from it (see the weekly round up this coming friday for some links if you haven’t found them by then).
    You maybe interested to know that Andy Howell has been interviewing people for a podcast on Outdoors Bloggers. Drop me a line and I will pass on his email if you are interested in being interviewed by Andy for the podcast. I’m pretty sure he would be very interested in interviewing you.
    Anway hope you had a good experience at the show.

  2. Ian Lidster

    Just to let you know I am adding you to my blogroll. Must keep in touch with a Norfolk girl.


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