3 thoughts on “Getting your Revenge….

  1. sally

    The link works for me…maybe you need to update your Java thingy…lol

    Newmania, what a nice thing to say… heard the Coast to Coast walk is good and the Devon and cornwall coast must be lovely too. Sorry to hear about your wife having a bad hip as its great to have someone special to walk with and share all the nice things… 🙂

  2. newmania

    I can`t get in to this link ..aren`t you a good sort Sally . You must be greast fun to do walking with. Did I mention to you that i diod the coast to coast walk once ..once and a half actually and I have done most of the coast walk around DEvon and Cornwall.

    My wife has bad hip which is a shame becasue it has stoppped that sort of thing . Having had to oretty much carry her dinw Helvelyn we won`t be trying that again


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