Bathroom…. update.

Well my bathroom has finally been finished.

The man came to lay the Lino this morning, its looking clean and fresh .

BUT and there is always a BUT they have to come back and sort my bath taps as they swivel about, shame as it means breaking the bath panel seal to get too taps.

Also I am disappointed that although they replaced some of my tiles they decided for some unknown reason to stop half way round the bathroom.

This would not matter if they had replaced them with the same tile but they only use white tiles and mine were originally green and twice the size of the white ones.

I have sent an e-mail to Longhurst Homes to see if they will come and finish the job off properly .

I also e-mailed them about my fences because as a single mum it is causing me worry and concern over the security implications.

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5 thoughts on “Bathroom…. update.

  1. sally

    yes Anne, my bathroom is much better now… love the fresh clean feeling……

    Newmania, I am always snooping round your Blog….

  2. newmania

    Hi you. I wasn`t a bad rugby player (years ago now), got the final country trila at under 19 but that was the limit .I love peeking into peoples lives ….
    I am moving and I posted the Right move thing on our house a couple of posts ago…Hope someone had a snoop

    All the best

  3. Anne

    I love the look of your bathroom, its much nicer than the one I have, which I have to rip out and start from scratch….I better get saving cos its going to cost a lot to do!!!

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