Jesus Green Pool

As most of you will know Geoff and I enjoy swimming at the Jesus Green pool every week-end. In fact Geoff hardly misses a day and goes from its opening in may till it closes in September.GR20_082507_003

This week-end the Guardian had a supplement called the great outdoors:wild swimming and The Jesus Green pool was at number 56.

This is what it had to say about the pool :

“opened in 1923, Jesus green remains one of the longest outdoor pools in the UK, coming in at a whopping 90m.Right by the River Cam, this is a tranquil spot for alfresco swimming at its finest.Surrounded by old time trees that act as a leafy windbreak and sunshade, it has grassy plains on one side for sun worshipers to lounge away the hours”GR20_082507_001

Must say on Friday the water was at its coldest since its opening in may but it did soon warm up over the week-end with all that lovely sunshine.

We did record breaking distances too, 18 lengths for Geoff and 20 lengths for me.

When its cold Geoff’s finger tips go white and look really odd….but then someone who swims outside in the cold wind and rain maybe is odd  🙂

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5 thoughts on “Jesus Green Pool

  1. bill lee

    I well remember the Jesus Green Swimming Pool back in the 1950s.I was a serving Cadet at RAF Oakington.On the 30th August 1950 we were taken by Lorry to the pool.Where we underwent Bomber Dingy Drill training.As I remember it ,The water in the Pool came straight from the River Cam.
    I can also remember there being a Diving Board at one end .

    Th4e Water was very cold and not too Clean.

    Happy Days

  2. tog-adventurer

    I love this pool, but it seems to be forever being threatened with closure, which would be very sad. I have to say that I haven’t made it there this year, despite linving just nearby, and hold the weather fully responsible for this!

  3. sally

    Odd in the nicest possible way of course…..and I would be there with you in the rain and cold so thats says alot about me too… 🙂

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