Day 5 Auberge U Vallone to Hotel Castel di Vergio

Thursday 21/06/07

After a very restless night in the tent ( sleeping in a tent takes a bit of getting used too,especially when 2 are sharing a one man tent )

We woke up later than usual and got a breakfast too.

first thing I noticed today was that I felt a little more relaxed as to me the hardest day was over, I could stop worrying about the Cirque nowimage and just enjoy the rest of the walk.

We finally set off at 7.30 for an easier days walking , we hoped.

The first part of the walk was through the pine trees ,a gentle steady climb before turning steep and ending with a scramble up to the top of the Bocca di Frogiale.

It was very hot today and walking by the golo river gave us plenty of opportunity to go skinny dipping,in all the wonderful rock pools,with fantastic waterfalls too

As it was so hot the last stretch to the hotel seemed to take forever , so it felt good to finally get there.

Free camping here and warm showers too.

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4 thoughts on “Day 5 Auberge U Vallone to Hotel Castel di Vergio

  1. sally

    James, don’t know about romantic but you cannot get much closer than that.. 🙂
    jmb I still cannot believe I did it… but have this great desire to go and do another walk as soon as I can, which wont be soon enough !

  2. jmb

    Finally the hotel. I have lost my taste for sleeping in a tent, we got rid of ours.
    Does it all seem like a dream, so long ago?

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