Following Geoff (day 7)


Tonight Geoff is at Logibar and much to his delight the bar was open.

His stats for the first week are :-  over 182,342 steps 142km , 7400m up and 7000m down.

Tomorrow he is going to do the Le Pont suspendu d’Holzarte a suspension bridge, over a 500ft drop, it  adds  an hour to his walking day but will be well worth it. It looks fantastic and I will be sorry not to be doing it too 🙁

bridge bridge 2

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2 thoughts on “Following Geoff (day 7)

  1. jmb

    I”m terrified of suspension bridges. The one near us is a great tourist attraction. I take my visitors and retreat to the gift shop so I don’t have to watch.

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