Striding Edge

We woke to glorious sunshine today, a perfect autumn walking day.

So it was not long before we set off to Patterdale, to walk up to Helv029ellyn and Striding edge.

We went up by St Sunday crag, ignoring the mad geordie who told us we should go up the pinnacle…..

we did speak to a couple of guys who had come up that way and they said it was HARD.

We carried on past Grisedale Tarn and Dollywagon  pike finally arriving at Helvellyn.

 Although there was a lot of people at the top of Helvellyn we were never caught up in any big walking crowds going up or down.

When we tackled striding edge, we didn’t take the path but went straight along the top which needed a lot of concentration!! 036



 On the way home I even managed to go and do some shopping at The Lakeland shop so that was a great way to end a perfect day.

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3 thoughts on “Striding Edge

  1. Vinny Hassell

    Great photo crossing the Edge. You took an unusual route to tackle Striding Edge, usually most people approach it from the Hole in the Wall side. The way you took is probably more difficult though due to the steep scramble down from Helvellyn.

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