Another Guided walk…

While in the Lake District we met up with Paddy Dillon , the writer of over forty walking guidebooks, including the GR20 one we used while out in Corsica.misc_102107_006

He gave us a guided walk around his home town and pointed out where the Cumbria way starts, this is a 70 mile long distance walk from Ulverston to Carlisle.

According to Paddy most walkers have trouble finding the starting point and walk past his house a few times until he points them in the right direction.

We spent hours chatting, while taking a look at most of his guidebooks including his new one, The National trails of England Scotland and Wales.

This book is too big too use as an actual guidebook but is a must for any keen walkers book shelf. paddy

It was interesting to learn that Paddy takes all his own photos for his guidebooks, and kit weight before adding any walking stuff is 3kg.

He spends 5 to 6 months a year walking and the rest writing up the Guidebooks.

A very interesting few hours spent with a very interesting man….

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3 thoughts on “Another Guided walk…

  1. john hee

    Now I find out out where PD lives! Could have done with a hot cup of tea when I tried the CW out myself in 2005 (mostly on the wet) But knowing Paddy’s lifestyle approach I’d like to bet he was out route walking/researching somewhere better

  2. Anne

    That is brilliant that you actually met the author of a book that guided you through one of your walks…must of been very interesting.

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