Things to do…

As well as getting ready to make the Christmas cake… which I am going to make in a tree shaped tin.paddy 003

I am also hoping to find the time to make some marmalade.

Most of you will know how much I enjoyed making my Jam, although I did get into a mess as my pan was not really big enough.


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This time I will be better prepared as I have been to The Lakeland shop and got myself a preserving pan.Now I just need some more jars, some muslin then I will be all set.

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4 thoughts on “Things to do…

  1. sally

    All set to bake my cake on monday evening…..
    Been to lakeland again so now have jar for sloe gin,and muslin needed for marmalade.

  2. sally

    Hi Elaine, I have also made jam in the microwave but found so many friends wanted a pot i could never make enough, I also get more satisfaction making it in bigger quantities….

  3. Elaine

    …….and when it comes to jam I’m also a jam maker, but these days tend to make smaller rather than larger quantities so I make it in the microwave and don’t need a big preserving pan any more. That way you can try out some exotic or unusual flavours without having jars and jars of the stuff in the cupboard for months on end.

  4. martoon

    That is gonna be an ace christmas cake! Stepping out of the box there by making it in a christmas tree tin and not a round one, I remember when I was young mum had loads of those baking trays and we had jellies and cakes shaped as cats and things – these days you just get round ones. Have not seen shaped tins in a long time.

    Maybe looking in the wrong place.

    Hope the cake turns out well – dont forget plenty of marzipan 😀

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