Busy week ahead

After a nice week-end away.

I am home relaxed and ready to face the very busy week ahead.

The list of things I have to do is just Huge.mail.google.com

So please forgive me if I don’t get round to visiting your blog but I will try my best.

Will start the week off with a trip to the gym tomorrow then Liz from college needs a practice massage so I  volunteered to help her out.

A few gifts still to be ordered,a turkey to be ordered and flights for skiing to be booked.

A trip to Norwich and BBC radio Norfolk.

Shower to be fitted and appointment at beauty salon.

Massage course assignment to start.

These are just a few of the things that are on my list, think I will sigh with relief when the end of the week comes.

What will keep me going is the thought of seeing Geoff on Sunday when he returns from Dubai   🙂

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3 thoughts on “Busy week ahead

  1. Ellee

    Sally, I imagine Geoff is very proud of your radio interview. One tip, ask them in advance the questions they are likely to throw at you so you can be well prepared, and have a few anecdotes up your sleeve.

    I’m busy too, especially as I am in London tomorrow, and going to the gym in the day takes always makes me rush around the rest of the day.

    It doesn’t seem like we will have much chance for a walk this week.

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