Tell No One…

Tonight I finally got round to watching the film “Tell No One”. tell no one

Its a french film with subtitles and based on the book by Harlan Coben.

I had really enjoyed reading the book and hoped the film would be just as good.

I was not disappointed the film was fantastic and I soon forgot about the subtitles.

The plot summery :-

“Eight years ago, Margot Beck was murdered by a serial killer. Though the killer has confessed to eight of these murders, he has always denied to be responsible for Margot’s death. However, the specific mutilations found on her body seem to remove all doubts over his guilt. Today, Alexandre Beck, her husband, is still deeply psychologically injured by the loss of Margot. He temporarily escapes his memories during the day by immersing himself completely in his work as a pediatrician. Outside of that, only the friendship he has formed with Hélène Perkins saves him from total isolation from the rest of the world. But when two new bodies are uncovered near where Margot’s body was discovered, Margot’s case is reopened. At the same time, Alexandre receives a strange e-mail with a link to a video-surveillance web-cam and a time at which to watch it.”

Cannot wait to watch it again with Geoff….

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