We have now covered 12 out of the 60 strokes that make up the Indian head massage routine.
You apply far more pressure on these strokes than you do in the body massage, so it will be good for someone who likes a firmer deeper massage.
There are many reasons why you should have an Indian head massage, listed below are just a few of the things it can help with…
Migraine (though a head massage should never be given while suffering from migraine)
Jaw ache
Poor hair condition
I have my first lot of homework that involves making a client information leaflet and I now have my Indian head massage book by Helen Mcguinness.
So all is going well 🙂
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Sound like you have got of to a good start 🙂
Phew! For a moment I thought it was a catalogue of your ailments but then realized you were super-fit.
Oh how excited I am about finally meeting you next year! lol
I’m in need of massage.
Can you do massage over the web?
Also because thers’s no travelling and no actual contact it should be really cheap.
I’ve said this before, and no doubt I’ll say it again – I wish I lived closer to you!