Lady in Red…

We had a posh frock party to go to at the week-end.

Most of you will know I have never really been a dress kind of girl always happier in my walking kit .

Geoff informed me he had found a great dress for me and it was RED.

Saturday morning off we went to look at it, I was convinced it would never fit me  let alone look good on me.

I am now eating humble pie…. not only was the dress fantastic , it fitted perfect and I felt like a princess in it.

The shop assistant made a real fuss over me making me feel even more glamorous.

Geoff treated me to the dress,( which overwhelmed me ) and I showed  it off to everyone I could during the day.

needless to say I had a great night, I think everyone was amazed at me in a dress and I really felt like a princess all night.

I can hardly wait to wear it again and I think Geoff can now be my personal dresser as he has such good taste.

Will have to share the photos with you as I cannot believe its me…….


sally geoff 


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12 thoughts on “Lady in Red…

  1. liz

    You look stunning! And I bet it was the sort of dress you wouldn’t have glanced at if you’d been picking it yourself!

  2. elaine williams

    i know exactly how you feel! you needn’t have worried you look gorgeous and very happy x

  3. Caroline

    You looked fabulous. Even if you are normally a dress down girl you certainly know how to dress up and party the night away. As Gok Yan would say -‘Go Girlfriend’.

  4. onethoughtfulwoman

    You deserve all the love, attention and a new dress. You look fantastic Sally and I am so pleased you have had such a nice time with a wonderful man and a lovely life now to go with it.

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