Apple Betty Pudding..

As I am stickling quite strictly to my slimming world eating plan and feeling so much better for it already ,I decided tonight’s pudding had to be a slimming world one.

I thought I would try a new recipe recommended by a friend……

12 oz eating apples

2oz sultanas

8 eggs

sweetener to taste

2tsp vanilla essence

pot of vanilla Muller light yogurt

pinch of cinnamon.

1.  Peel core and slice the apple, place into a shallow dish and sprinkle with sultanas.

2.  Beet the eggs with the sweetener and vanilla essence, then add the yogurt and beat again.

3.  pour mixture over the apple and sultanas ,allow the mixture to sink then sprinkle with the cinnamon.

Bake for 30 min’s or until set at 190 c or gas mark 5.

It was delicious and only 4 sins per quarter of serving so I got my nice pudding with out upsetting my eating plan 🙂

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