1,604,000 new readers !

Many people, have often told me that I have a great story to tell.

Last week Geoff bought this to my attention….

Have you discovered an unexpected benefit from walking? A glossy
magazine is looking for women between 38 and 55 who have, to appear in
an upcoming feature.
Your experiences could include the inspiration to write a novel or set
up a business, a great friendship, a treasure trove, or love, but must
have happened this century (2000-2009).
If you can help, please contact us at
life_change at go4awalk.com by 12th
March, 2009 with a brief outline and a photo if possible.”

In a moment of madness last week I wrote to them.

Now the magazine concerned has replied wanting to know more about me, which leaves me wondering what I have let myself in for now.go4awalk

Not wanting to give too much away .. but the magazine has a mission…

“To champion grown up women and enrich their lives.
encourages women to make the most of themselves in every aspect of their life
BTW  Go4awalk.com is a great walking website  🙂

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6 thoughts on “1,604,000 new readers !

  1. Reluctant Blogger

    I get the feeling that one day I will be saying “oh yes, I’ve met her – she’s really normal and down to earth” when everyone knows who you are.

    go Sally go . . .

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