Birthday celebrations

During July and August every year its the Cambridge Shakespeare festival .
On Geoff’s 60th birthday we went to see the Shakespeare play Taming of the shrew in the gardens of St Johns college.
We all enjoyed it so much that this year I thought we should go and see another play.
I invited some of our friends and Last night to celebrate Geoff’s birthday, 13 of us went along to the Downing college gardens to see Romeo and Juliet.
Once again it was a fantastic evening enjoyed by all and the rain stayed away till after the play had finished.
Emily made the Birthday cake this year and made a great job of it too.

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5 thoughts on “Birthday celebrations


    Happy Birthday to Geoff and DO remind him that rocker Rick Springfield is his age!

  2. CherryPie

    It sounds like wonderful fun and reminds me of the open air play I went to see recently.

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