
After my disappointment of not finding any sloes last year.
They seemed to be in abundance this year.
So before we went off to Les Gets I went and picked some and popped them into the freezer to await my return.
Yesterday I got some Bargain Litre bottles of Gin from Aldi
So now I have 3 lots of Sloe Gin Brewing.
I had a little sample of my Raspberry Gin and its tasting quite delicious, by Christmas it will be divine.
Next week I must find time to make my Damson Jam.

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6 thoughts on “Brewing…

  1. Reluctant Blogger

    Ah well, I shall have to wait. I am not great with vodka (doesn’t tend to agree with me) but raspberry gin will go down nicely.

    Good for you re the bread. I went for months without eating any wheat and I felt much better for it and my stomach went all nice and flat. I do eat it now but rarely – it’s a treat. I do drink beer though at weekends and that is very bad for unflattening the tum-tum.

    Good luck with it.

  2. sally

    Reluctant.. I made raspberry Gin and raspberry vodka didn’t label them and now cannot tell which is which 🙂

    I have also decided to stop drinking alcohol { not that i drink much } untill December time so there will be no drinking of my fine liqueurs before then 🙂

    Also cut out bread… my 4th day now with out it and thats a miracle as I love my bread 🙂

  3. Reluctant Blogger

    Oooh did I hear you mention raspberry gin???? I think I might be feeling a trip over your way coming on.

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