Top priority

After suffering over the weekend with a very bad case of heat rash round my ankles.

Which I gather is quite common in walkers.

I have decided that I must get myself some walking shoes rather than boots ASAP.

Now a days walkers tend to wear trail shoes for walking and most never go back to boots.

I also think i should change my socks to the light weight walking socks.

So the search begins 🙂

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5 thoughts on “Top priority

  1. jams O'Donnell

    Sounds like a wise move Sally. Shoes and different socks should make sure your enjoyment isn’t marred by rashes.

    I have a nice pair of Merrels gathering dust from lack of use after myu injury last year.

  2. Jumbly

    I strongly recommend Inov8. I’ve been walking in their trail shoes for a couple of years now, only put boots on in really serious rain or snow.

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