Prepared !

After the disaster with my heat rash or allergy last weekend I am now better prepared for the heat … I hope !

We made a visit to Advanced performance this morning and was well looked after, getting lots of advice on trail shoes.

They had a good stock, where due to there gait analysis we were able to purchase the shoes most suitable for our feet and way of walking.

I settled on a pair of bright red mizuno trail shoes, as usual I had to have mens shoes and in a size 9 1/2, so they don’t look that elegant but then I am after comfort rather than looks.

Unfortunately they have a great selection of running gear too and I could not resist new shorts and a very girlie bright pink t – shirt, along with new running socks 🙂

Of course all this kit will make me run much faster when I do my Race for life event in July

Later in the day we visited the new Cotswold shop in Cambridge , this was a big mistake !

I have been thinking about upgrading my day Ruc-sac for a while , I was after a more up to date one which meant it would be lighter and have the new air flow system, making it cooler.

I  found one today that I really liked so now I am the proud owner of a Deuter Spectro AC  28 , in Red to match my shoes of course 🙂

So with a selection of walking socks and some Clarityn Allergy tablets I am well prepared for tomorrows walk 🙂

I will be eating baked beans for the next few weeks but that fine as its only 3 weeks till we go to Italy and I still have a little bit more weight to loose 🙂

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8 thoughts on “Prepared !

  1. sally

    Anne miss my point completely…. you don’t need any of this kit to start walking or jogging and I am only loosing the weight i have gained 🙂

    Jumbly .. I was impressed with bag yesterday as I had a completely dry back, usually my t-shirt would be dripping 🙁 so the air system works well

    Ellee … I would rather buy walking shoes than high heels any day and shop for out door kit rather than dresses

    James… I used clarityn for the first time ever yesterday, in case my rash was an allergy to pollen or grass , glad to say after yesterdays hot walk i had no rash so something worked 🙂

    DD… I am very thick skinned 🙂

  2. Jumbly

    Be good to get a bit of feedback on the Deuter pack when you’ve used it for a bit. They’ve caught my eye in the past.

  3. Ellee

    It’s nice have a spending spree for essentials like this, and they are essentials for you as they make up such an important part of your life.
    I bet you will love the shopping in Italy too.

  4. anne

    So running isn’t cheap as you said on Twitter… your running shoes cost a bit… !

    You say you need to lose weight… I am sure you don’t … and you do so much excercise.. surely you lose weight with all that you do.

  5. Devonshire Dumpling

    Baked beans? baked beans? Do you intend doing any walking at all or is your intention to be jet-propelled all the way along your route?

    Get some tea tree oil as that helps any rash or itchy bits (but you’d better add tablets to combat flatulence too) of course this baked bean diet means that in future I can refer to you as an ‘old fart’ on my blog doesn’t it?

    Surprisingly just ONE innocent comment of mine has probably now stopped you sending any further post cards to my mud hut 🙁

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