
Not my usual kind of packing … that’s easy just a few bits of waking stuff and a spare pair of knickers.

All in a ruck-sac that I have to carry.

This time its a real holiday with a posh wedding thrown in too.

I am making the most of it and packing my whole summer wardrobe as well as a posh dress for the wedding.

I will even be taking 3 pairs of shoes.

Of course all the walking kit is coming too 🙂

Since April when I was struggling with my weight.

I have managed to loose 11lb and 3 inches off my waist.

So I feel great and just hope I don’t put the 11lb back on in one week

Anyway From Saturday you can find me here  🙂

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9 thoughts on “Packing

  1. Diane

    I envy you, lovely area, marvellous and I feel sure you will not gain 11 lbs in one week. Enjoy it.
    p.s. I thoroughly enjoy your blog

  2. CherryPie

    I think I need tips off you and Liz to help me on my dieting way.

    I hope you have a fantastic week 🙂

  3. anne

    Sally I am not going to go over the weight issue…. But hey I hope Geoff got a new suit… is he going squash that in a rucksack….. you are going to Italy for goodness sake for a wedding… what you meant to wear a crinkle cut skirt ..! how you manage is beyond me … !

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