
Home from Italy and feeling the cold πŸ™

I never realized just how much I would love the heat and sunshine.

Although we had plenty of Italian rain storms too.

Most of our time was taken up with wedding celebrations but we did manage two great sightseeing days.

We also played in the pool most days too.

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4 thoughts on “Italy

  1. Geoff

    You can easily forget just how bad English summers can be – there is a good reason why Spanish/Italian/Greek package tours were so successful!

  2. Anne

    Pleased you had a great time ..the heat with the sunshine is totally different .. never feels the same .. that is most properly why you enjoy it , and you are normally rushing round walking .. you have been away too sunny and hot places in the past.. .. funny to think that you .. well especially Geoff can take a relaxing holiday.. .. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ xx

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