Sight seeing day 2

Our second day of sight seeing took us to a place also taken from ” A thousand places to see before you die “

That place was Ravenna famous for its mosaics.

This time we missed nothing as I bought a guide book called the Treasures of Ravenna 🙂

We visited 5 of the best sites ,but no photos could capture just how magnificent these mosaics are.

< > >

Wonder if I will ever get the chance to go back and visit




and of course the famous leaning Tower of Pisa

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3 thoughts on “Sight seeing day 2

  1. CherryPie

    It sounds a really interesting place. I always love to get the guidebooks I always find they add to my enjoyment of a place 🙂

  2. anne

    Pleased you had a very good time and got to see some places… I cannot get enough of Italy… hope to go back again this year .. Not sure which area though..

    Great photos 🙂

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