Rain rain go away

Another day of torrential rain πŸ™

So we abandoned our plans to go visit the terracotta army.

Instead we made plans for the remainder of my stay in china.

No more long train journeys for me,as flights have been booked πŸ™‚

As the weather was so bad it seemed a perfect opportunity to have another massage.

Geoff picked a traditional Chinese massage and I went for the more gentle ( or so I thought ) European massage.

We then indulged ourselves by having foot massages.

I am beginning to realise when it comes to massages sometimes there is no gain with out pain.

When I have had all the toxins flushed from my body there will be no pain.

So far we have had 5 massages and I can already feel the benefits.

Especially from the foot massages,my permanent sore toe has never felt better and I can bend it with out pain, which is amazing.

So let’s see how many more massages I can squeeze in before I return home.

Tomorrow it’s the terracotta army come rain or shine πŸ™‚

Our masseurs in Xi'An

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Nanguangji St,Xi’an,China

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3 thoughts on “Rain rain go away

  1. anne

    You didn’t have a foot massage before in China because you have sensitive feet , you said that in one of your other posts. Have you ever had a foot massage before ? .. So now you have had 5 massages , is that 5 each? When would you ever do that in the UK .. ? Did they cost much .. in comparison to the UK ?

    1. Sally

      Had my first foot massage before we left Datong and yes I was worried about having one due to my constantly sore toe .

      Had 5 each πŸ™‚ as it’s one of the few things that are really cheap here in china so making the most of them while I can πŸ™‚

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