News from Yangshuo

The weather has been fantastic here,so great to be out doors enjoying the sunshine.

We started with a 20 km bike ride round the Yulong river .

Passing rice fields , fish farms and water buffalo on our way .

We cycled up to the 600 year old dragon bridge , here we could have returned on a bamboo raft,which was very tempting.

As we wanted to swim in the Yulong river we decided to bike back down the river.

We soon found a great place for a dip, it was beautiful with the mountains all around us. It was not long till David and Sakhi joined us for a swim,once they saw how lovely it was they could not resist.

Five mins after leaving the river I fell off my bike into a swamp 🙁 luckily I was not hurt and thanks to my dry bags nothing was damaged.

I was just very dirty so back to the river to wash my clothes out.

We made it safely back into Yangshuo after cycling down the real road of death. The road of death in south America was nothing compared to this road.

Millions of bikes cars buses taxis all trying to get to the same place and there are no rules on the roads here. Ringing your bell or blowing your horn just means get out my way 🙂

It was amazing to experience and I swear at least twice a bus brushed the side of my leg 🙁

But we all lived 🙂

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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3 thoughts on “News from Yangshuo

  1. anne

    Make the most of the good weather .. actually today it is a bit sunny.

    You were very lucky not to be knocked off your bike .. Didn’t see any helmet on you.

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