My first giveaway win !

In my dreams I like to think that I have time to knit a 100 pairs of socks, so many of my friends including my sons and Geoff would love a pair.

In reality I am still knitting my first pair 🙁 it takes so long, I knit so slow and finding the time to knit is so hard.

Once I move house it should be easier, evenings will be mine again, no driving into Lynn every night 🙂

Last week I won a fab giveaway that p2tog was running, I read all these lovely knitting blogs and dream of having time 🙂 and speed 🙂

The giveaway was for a ball of Zauberball wool and I choose the Cranberries shade, which will one day be a pair of socks for me !

Maybe by the time I am old and grey I will have knitted them 🙂

One good thing about knitting…….   it stops you eating !

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