Next stop Rokytnik

After a three hours train journey we arrived in Rokytnik.

A lovely quiet countryside village, in fact the stillness was amazing, no car noise, no airplanes just complete stillness.

We were totally and utterly looked after all we had to do was relax and enjoy.

We had a day trip out to the Adrspach Rocks  where we enjoyed a great walk around some amazing rocks, with some imagination you see what they had been named after πŸ™‚

The Following day we took a walk from Rokytnik enjoying the local beautiful counrtyside.

We visited 2 miracle springs, I drank from both hoping they would help me in some way πŸ™‚

The Maternice well with reputedly miraculous water, a destination for pilgrims who used to hang pictures of saints in nearby trees in thanks for there recovery

The other well was in Hronov and was full of sulphur just the smell was enough to make you sick.

So you can imagine how bad it tasted, to my surprise people still come and bottle this water to take home.

Then amazingly on the day we were leaving we woke to find an inch of snow had fallen πŸ™‚ our train was delayed but thankfully due to buses we made it to the airport on time.

We arrived home late on Tuesday feeling like we had been away 4 weeks not 4 days, Thanks to Steve Ren and her family for looking after us so well.

And I have this funny feeling that we may be returning next year πŸ™‚

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