BT,slow Internet and local MP

As most of you will know I have had a really rough time with BT and there so called internet service.

First they sold me BT vision, a service that is never going to work here as it relies on a min speed of 2mb, my best speed is around 1mb šŸ™

Too slow for even iPlayer to work šŸ™

I also had 2 missed engineer appointments annoying to say the least.

The out come has been BT vision cancelled and all money refunded, I also should have ƂĀ£20 credited to my account for missed appointments.

We wait for the next bill to see if all this has been carried out correctly.

I was so so upset with the poor internet speed on offer from BT that I wrote to my local MP Henry Bellingham. He was happy that I had made him aware of this problem and will be looking into it. His first step of action was to write to BT … we await there answer.

In the mean time I am still left with a slooow internet connection which at times drives me insane.

I would like to move away from BT but I have very conflicting opinions.

Some people say it wont matter who my provider is,the service will always be bad due to the poor BT cables.

Others say different providers want my custom and behind the scenes invest more money into the lines to provide a better service than BT.

Now I just don’t know what to do … 

I don’t want mega fast internet all I want is iplayer to work šŸ™

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4 thoughts on “BT,slow Internet and local MP

  1. Mark

    Unfortunately we rely on BT wiring for all broadband until it gets to the exchange, so distance and line quality make all the difference. Sadly Kings Lynns exchange is in the town near the river, according to this map

    so if your in one of the estates at the other end like I am changing provider will do nothing. The only time it matters is when the ISP is limiting your speed, in most of KL’s case it’s the ancient wiring.

  2. Working Mum

    I thought the speed of service depended on your phone line, not the provider (when we changed provider, they had to check our line to tell us what speed they could provide to our house) so maybe look into Virgin’s cable service instead?

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