Healthy Sausage !

On my Travels around the Internet I have come across 2 new web sites.

Excellent for us watching our weight and trying to eat healthy.

The first one is called Sugar and Spice, they are healthy meal kits.

She say’s “It all Started because of my husbands love of curry and my hatred of all things processed and or numbers that start with an ‘e’. I provide low fat versions of popular dishes, which have much more flavour.”

Here is the facebook page too

My order came during the week and I cannot wait to try them out 🙂

The second one is called sausage shops and they provide a selection of syn free sausages, burgers and meat balls for slimming world fans.

I have been waiting for a special offer and one came along last week so I now have a small collection to try.

First out the freezer came the garlic and herb burgers and they were totally delicious, and not one drop of fat came out of them 🙂

Here is the facebook page too

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