Lycian way to Hisarcandir

Our last walking day on the Lycian Way was described as a 10 hour or 2 day walking route

There are no supplies, no accommodation and no water till towards the end of the walk.

You also climbed to around 1500m from sea level over a mostly rocky and hard to find path.

BUT we wanted to do this walk so we decided an early start was needed to give us the time to complete it

The route was hard to find at the beginning so after walking up the river bed for 20 mins we turned back and found the right markers straight away

From then on the route was easy to find and very well marked.

The whole walk was amazing, 6 hours of climbing over very mountainous paths, which really reminded me of the GR20 in Corsica

Hole in mountain on Lycian WayWe saw hole mountain, near the peak is a hole that the sky can be seen through, those that have climbed right up say it’s big enough for 2 buses to pass through.

The last couple of meters are over rock slabs and then your on top of the world…. Hudacik ridge , then it’s through a narrow opening and then there is only one way …… Down !!

The hardest part for us was the hours walk down the road to the village

Sally & Geoff at end of Lycian WayBut it was worth every step especially when I found the big sign that marks the finish, especially since a walk guide told me they did not exist.

After photos had been taken we hitched a lift to Antalya where we had a fantastic hamam …. Believe me there is no better way to ease those over worked muscles 🙂

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Kabasakal Cd,Istanbul Province,Turkey

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