Perseverance !

Finally after almost 2 years I have finished knitting my socks.

They fit perfect and I cannot wait to start the next pair, thats presuming after all this time I actually remember how to start them off 🙂

No matter how I try I just cannot get the hang of knitting and watching tv at the same time, I am told its just practice but I doubt that I will ever master it.

Instead I am going to try listening to an audio book or get back into the Archers as I am sure I could listen and knit 🙂

Hopefully my next pair wont take so long…..  but don’t place bets on it !

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6 thoughts on “Perseverance !

    1. sally

      I wish I was a really good knitter I have a scarf pattern and wool but the amount of stitches put me off 200 going up to 600 🙁 would take me a week to knit one row lol x

  1. Magic Cochin

    I love the colours!

    Knitting and watching telly is tricky (but maybe I’ll find it easier when I’ve got my new varifocals!) I’d practice on a straight bit, not when turning the heel.

    The Archers is getting very dramatic at the moment… you’d be in danger of dropping a stitch or 3, or using your knitting to wipe your eyes.


    1. sally

      I am enjoying listening to the Archers again, might take a while to get back into the story but the main thing is I am already knitting a new pair of socks though it took me a few hours to get them started off !

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