A lovely Surprise

Today I received the most beautiful box of chocolates that I have ever seen.

They were a thank you gift from “Stella” a lady who lives in  Cambridge.

I found her bag lying in the street and managed to return it to her, along with all her belongings.

I was just happy to know she had her bag back safe, as I know how distraught I would be to loose my purse.

The chocolates were a lovely surprise….


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6 thoughts on “A lovely Surprise

  1. keatsthesunshinegirl

    A lovely treat and reward. What a sweet thought and you deserve it! When I was in Bishop Stortford a couple of years ago, I lost my wallet at the market fair. Thanks to the honesty of the stall owner, I got it back . Will not forget that incident as everything I had was in it!

  2. jean hillan

    Good for you Sally, dont eat them all at once.xx Do onto others as you would have them do unto you.

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