A day to remember

There isn’t much that will tear me away from my Sunday walking BUT this Sunday I gladly gave up a days walking to go and have lunch with a blogging friend visiting from Vancover.

I know Leslie through her blog The Pedalogue  and had arranged to meet her and her travelling friend Cathy, on September 2nd, many months ago when she was just arranging her trip to England.

We met in Ely at The Peacock tea rooms, which is a good example of a traditional english tea room, it was great that Ellee could join us too.

We had a lovely lunch,Leslie and I both choose the Salmon salad followed by Carrot cake, the weather stayed fine and the chat just flowed and flowed 🙂

It was a real shame that Anne had other arrangements so could not join us, but hopefully they will meet later this week.





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