A Very Long Walk…

After walking the 12 miles from Downham Market to Kings Lynn along the Fen Rivers way.

DSCF7754I thought it would be a good idea to walk the rest of the Fen Rivers Way

So last weekend I met up with my friend from the LDWA to walk the remaining  33 miles from Cambridge to Downham Market.

33 miles is nothing to Jayne who often walks 50 miles and has done 10 of the 100 mile challenge walks, this year she finished it in 36 hours…   totally amazing 🙂

We set off at around 7am, the path along the River Cam bustling with runners, with all the chatter we just flew along reaching Ely in no time at all, where we enjoyed tea and cake at Peacocks Tearooms.

10 Mile Bank

10 Mile Bank

Then we happily set off for Downham Market, it was a nice enough walk to Littleport but the stretch from littleport  along 10 mile bank was hell….. you could see Downham Market in the distance but we never seemed to get any closer as the river twisted and turned 🙁

Finally 12 hours after setting off we arrived in Downham Market,10 hours of walking 2 hours of breaks and amazingly we kept a constant pace and never slowed down !

Total miles for the day was 36 the most I have ever walked…  I suffered by having blisters deep under the skin on the bottom of my heels 🙁  but no aching legs 🙂 I was rewarded with another fitbit badge for doing 0ver 75,000 steps in one day, I actually did 77,910 🙂

I was also told by another long distance walker that my blisters were badges of honour !!

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One thought on “A Very Long Walk…

  1. Geoff

    Good job I’ve never been one for badges 🙂 Excellent you did it & truly amazing how they walk 100miles. Although just read about the tour de Mont Blanc race winner did 104miles in 20 hours 34mins 57secs no idea what the elevation profile is!

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