60 miles and a sausage roll

Yesterday I took 2 of my Girly friends on a 60 mile bike ride, as my navigation skills are rubbish it was quite an achievement for me and not something I have ever done when walking…

Screenshot 27:11:2013 22:43-5I did take a couple of wrong turns but soon realised, see if you can spot where in the photo !

I thought we would go to Walsingham Barns as I wanted to try out the sausage rolls with onion relish, I was not disappointed as they were delicious.  Although I was reminded how much I hate eating when exercising, as I felt sick most of the way home 🙁

One day I would love a Garmin Edge 800  then I could follow the route as I rode but thanks to the iphone app viewranger I can down load the routes as GPX files then follow them on my phone.

The only downside to this is the battery life, luckily we had made it to Great Massingham before my battery died and thankfully I know the way home from there.

A very enjoyable ride with great company too.


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