Count the Counties Bike Sportive

Count the Counties was a new local Sportive for 2015 and how could we not enter when it started not far from my house 🙂

You had the choice of 30 55 and 92 miles,1 2 or 3 counties and we decided on the 92 or 3 counties route  which actually turned out to be 97 on the day.

I was really looking forward to this sportive as the route went out over the Fens, an area I really enjoy riding, on a Tuesday with the Tarmac Touring Guys.

DSC_0866A small group of us decided to meet and ride together on the day.

Due to the trains not running , Geoff had to bike 40 miles to get to my house on the Saturday, so unfortunately he started with tired legs and we soon lost him 🙁 but I was sure he would not mind me making the most of this ride as I had trained so hard for it.

First feed stop was in Welney, which was very well stocked with good energy food,and for me the best thing was being able to get a hot drink, we waited around for Geoff, hoping he would catch us up but finally decided to leave without him.

So off we went making very good time and enjoying the tail wind as we knew it would soon be a head wind! Then disaster struck and Justeene’s wheel clipped another wheel and she had a very nasty fall.

These things always scare me, luckily she was wearing a helmet and no bones were broken but she was very battered and bruised. She decided she wanted to carry on and then due to a puncture Geoff finally caught us up and stayed with us till we arrived back at Welney for the second feed stop.

Unfortunately, Justeene  had started to feel sick and get a headache just outside Welney so she decided to call it a day and called her daughter to come and rescue her, we sadly left her but she was adamant that we should carry on and not get cold.

Much to our delight the feed stop still had a good choice of food and another hot drink was more than enjoyed especially as we knew the last 23 miles was going to be into the head wind from hell!

At this point I left Geoff, again,  as I wanted to race back and get his photo as he finished, but it soon became clear that I was not going to be strong enough to keep up with the other 2 guys, they would have been happy to wait for me but I insisted they go… the route signage was good and I had my Garmin so was happy I would not get lost.P1000174

Then I remembered I had a gel so I used it, within minutes I got a second wind and was off to catch them, it took me 10 long hard miles into a fierce headwind  but I finally caught them up and we rode the last 8 miles back into LynnSport together.

An excellent well organised Sportive which had excellent feed stations with a very well signed route.

I was very disappointed not to see more riders from the local bike clubs support this new,and well organised sportive but I well impressed with Cycle Sportives uk who sent Justeene flowers and the finishers medal when then found out about her fall 🙂

I may well be tempted to enter another one of these sportives which is actually on my birthday and get a few of my friends to do it with me 🙂

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