Ely NYE 10k

Ely NYE 10k is one of my favourite runs of the year and a fabulous way to end the year.

elyI have been luckily enough to do this run 3 times, although I was almost tempted by a new NYE 10k at Marham this year and probably will do the Marham one in 2016.

The reason I love this run so much is because I love to hear the Black piper playing his pipes as we run up the hill.

My running friends Gina and Linda joined me and we decided to run this together, no one was after a fast time just an enjoyable chatty run.IMG_1174

This year the weather was very mild, sunny with just a little wind, a perfect running day and by far the best weather in the 3 years I have done this run.

A lovely chatty 10k and the hill was hardly noticed, I would like to think this was because I am fitter but I think the chatting just took my mind off it !!!

I had a lucky number, 287, which is Geoff’s house number and it was nice to have him come along to support us and take photo’s.

Coffee was enjoyed after with even more chatting, what a great way to end the year.

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