Biking in Ibiza

While Geoff was away on another biking tour I had plans to go away to the Cotswolds with some of the SWNC crew, but due to unforeseen circumstances this trip away was cancelled.

To say I was devastated was an understatement but Geoff came to my rescue and arranged for me to join him in Ibiza for a weeks biking.

November in Ibiza was perfect, its out of season so very few people about but still hot at 26 deg. making it a great place for doing the things we enjoy, biking, running, swimming and walking.

My hire bike was a Merida carbon from Can Manolo and I loved it,the roads were smooth with just enough hills to give you a challenge. Ibiza is not a large Island but we had 3 great 50 mile rides, making it a perfect place for a weeks holiday.

We also saw the beaches at there best with no people on them, just miles of beautiful golden sand and calm sea still warm enough for swimming in, no doubt I would hate them in summer when every inch would be taken up by sun beds and people

The only downside to visiting Ibiza out of season was to get home we had to take the ferry to Valencia so I could then catch a flight home while Geoff continued on his bike tour, the upside to this was that Geoff liked Valencia so much he stayed for a few extra days.

I left Valencia at 26 deg and arrived at stansted at -1deg

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4 thoughts on “Biking in Ibiza

    1. Sally Post author

      my macbook is playing up and so I have been put off blogging… if its not easy to do it takes up too much time and I am put off …. this i did between my I pad and my mac book still time consuming but i was missing my blogging, your comment has just made it worth while x

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